A review by bookapotamus
After the Fire by Will Hill


Give me a book about cults, real or fictional any day and I will devour it faster than you can say "Scientology!"

After the Fire is fascinating. I always wonder about those poor people in these situations, so brainwashed and suckered into believing these lunatics - what would happen if they ever "got out?" THIS tells that story - and it's even more chilling and disturbing, as it's largely a group of young kids, struggling to make sense of these strangers, these new objects and surroundings, and not knowing who to trust.

The story is told from the POV of Moonbeam, a member of the "Lord's Legion", and starts out in the midst of a "war" between the "Outsiders" and members of this cult. Ran by Father John, everyone who is part of the Legion has given up everything to live inside the fence. They have zero contact with the outside world, don't trust the government, and allow this deranged and persuasive man to verbally and physically abuse both adults and children who live there. As if its NORMAL. As if they won't Ascend (go the Heaven?) if they don't do what he says. Not obeying Father John results in serious consequences.

The story alternates between what happens before this altercation with the Outside - how Moonbeam comes to be there and what her life is like there - and after - in the custody of the State, speaking with agents and psychiatrists about her life there, and the events of the standoff that resulted in a huge fire.

But Moonbeam is one smart cookie. She knows that at least some of what Father John is selling is all lies, and thinks Outside might not be that bad. But to what lengths will she go to stand up for what she knows is right, and protect the ones she loves? Both before AND after?

Love. Love. Love. I love stories like this because they REALLY HAPPEN. Which baffles me. Stories about religious sects such as Scientology, Heaven's Gate, the Branch Dividians at Waco (whihc this is slightly based on - and I totally remember growing up!) are so strange, and compelling, and Moonbeams story is beautifully written and I was amazed by her transformation, and her incredible strength. This one stayed with me for a while. And the ending - just wow.