A review by michellehenriereads
The Secret of the Lady's Maid by Darcie Wilde


I received an ARC from NetGalley and Kensington Books. All opinions are my own, and I'm voluntarily leaving a review.

Genre: Historical Romance, Historical Mystery
Spice Level: Low (intimacy is mentioned but not explicitly)
Representation: Lesbian relationships, Different classes in love

I adore the Regency and Victorian time period in fiction. The mystery and the business of Rosalind trying to help the ton is delightful.

And Adam is back! I loved the push and pull in the relationship between Rosalind and Adam. Such a set of conundrums! And his work as an officer puts him in such sticky situations. The tension between him and his superior officers is perfect.

The maid, Amelia, struck me as wishy-washy. How can she be attracted to someone who she knows is manipulative? Does this happen all the time in real life? Unfortunately, yes. So maybe it is realistic, but I hated that part because I wanted to shake her to her senses.

I enjoyed this book and hope you do too.

Happy reading!

That's really a 3.5 stars rounded.