A review by amyglbarker
On the Savage Side by Tiffany McDaniel

Trigger warnings for absolutely everything. Seriously one of the most upsetting books I’ve encountered, if still well-written, moving, and important.

Books like this make me feel that rating books (or any form of cultural output) is such a futile way of discussing them. I might just give it up entirely.

I picked this book up thinking it would be something completely different, and altogether less bleak. In all honesty, I would never have picked it up had I known what it was about, because I am generally too sensitive to stomach stories like this. I wouldn’t say I’m “glad” I did read it, but I do feel a deep deep empathy for the characters in this book that will leave me moved for a long time. This book has dug a hole into me that will never quite close up. I really appreciate what the author wanted to convey and I think she did a phenomenal job. The world is cruel and bleak.
