A review by jfranco77
Company by Max Barry


Books about nothing usually end up being about something in the end. Company was no exception - it goes from The Office to Animal Farm in a few chapters.

It starts with Steve Jones (known as "Jones") being hired at Zephyr Holdings, and it becomes pretty clear to Jones that the company doesn't actually DO anything. The company is actually an experiment created by another company called Alpha to study and create management practices.

Jones gets hired to work for Alpha and work behind the glass curtain. But he is a stereotypical "good guy" and is appalled at the things they are doing, so after some moral conflict he brings down the management at Zephyr (revolution style) and eventually exposes their secrets.

The first few chapters are enjoyable as Author Barry describes the dysfunctional company that doesn't do anything. His stereotypical descriptions work well and make the book enjoyable. But there always has to be a bigger meaning, and the second half of the book wasn't as enjoyable. It was still a fun read, but if Barry had kept his hands off (or if Jones had), it would have been very different and possibly more fun.