A review by spacewhombus
A Long Time Dead by Samara Breger

funny slow-paced
  • Loveable characters? No


Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

After months of trying to get through this book and not making it past 30 percent despite genuinely trying, I am officially DNF-ing it to move on to other things in my to-read pile. While the book sounds interesting (Victorian lesbian vampires!) it just did nottt hold my interest. 

My main issue was with the writing style, because Poppy's voice in this book is just so unlike what I would expect a Victorian era woman to sound like and so childlike, to the point of it becoming very distracting. Her infatuation with Roisin was baffling because it felt like it came out of nowhere and that they had zero chemistry. By 30 percent, they were also still alone in the house together and so nothing was really happening anyway. 

Maybe it gets more interesting later, but I don't wanna wait that long and already did not like the romantic aspect. If you like the way the author writes Poppy, however, then I would say probably stick around, because that was the main thing that kept irking me.