A review by macthekat
Lightspeed Magazine, June 2014: Women Destroy Science Fiction! Special Edition by Christie Yant


I highly recommend the story. I think it is the best Seanan McGuire story I have read this year, and as you know by now I read a lot of those. Well written. Great world building. Really crunchy.
Read my full review: http://www.mackat.dk/book/2014/06/each-to-each/

Merged review:

This story was deeply touching and very humanizing. It gave a view into life on a spaceship and a glimpse into psyches of the crew.

To say much more requires me to put a spoiler tag here.

I really thought the story was going to be a horror story somehow. That was what Vaughn set my up to think. And it really wasn't! The horror wasn't of the kind that comes of eat your face off, but of the more creeping kind. The crew realises that it might as well have been them out there dead in space.

The mood of the story is just so great for what the story is trying to do. Bravo! Once again Carrie Vaughn is convincing me to seek out more of her fiction.

Merged review:

This might sound like the title of a self help book. It's not, it really isn't. Such a sweet story about time travel and grief.