A review by jazzinbuns
Seer of Sevenwaters by Juliet Marillier


The entire story, I was constantly concerning myself with Sibeal's choices, especially when Felix came into view. Stay a druid, and leave Felix heartbroken? Leave the life of the nemetons and find happiness with Felix, and their daughter (As seen in visions of her possible future)? It was tearing at my heart once their connection deepened, especially at the end and their return to Inis Eala.

How amazing for Svala to be identical to the creature that had terrorized and killed so many of Knut and Felix's crewmates. Of course, her love had most likely done so in self-defense and in vengeance for his kidnapped love. Still, I was first figuring her for a mermaid that dwelled within the cove of the island that the creature called home, especially when we were introduced to her diet of raw fish. It also made the most sense to me that she would either be mermaid or siren due to Knut's attraction to her, an attraction that led him to anger a great beast, kidnap a beautiful creature, and lie to an entire community of hospitable strangers.

I discovered Juliet Marillier on the off-chance of simply scanning titles in my local library, and I am grateful for it. You definitely shouldn't judge a book by its' cover, but I will always give a novel or book a second chance if its' title draws me in. I started with Daughter of the Forest, following along Sorcha and her seven years under a curse alongside her brothers, and haven't stopped reading Juliet Marillier's works yet.