A review by cathiedalziel
The Book Charmer by Karen Hawkins


2.5 stars.
I really wanted to like this novel but the writing was so flat and every small town cliche was just so sickly sweet that I couldn't wait for it to be over. I picked it up on a whim wanting a light happy read; it was so light it left me feeling like I read air. I wouldn't even recommend this one as a beach read.

Big city finance manger (Grace) inherits her niece (Daisy) after her sister dies and along with her and her foster mom (Mama G) who has Alzheimer's disease go to live in a small town, where the foster mom grew up, to find some quiet more relaxed way of life for awhile. There's a hunky war vet (Trav or Travis depending on the tone of the story at the time) next door (isn't there always in these types of novels) who has PTSD and within the last couple of years has lost his father who also had Alzheimer's disease, so he "knows" what the main character is going through and can "help".

There's a young librarian (Sarah Dove) who hears books talk (that's the part that brought me in) who's determined to make Grace stay in the town forever. This story is about Grace's adjustment to small town living.

Skip it unless you want some processed syrup with your day.