A review by bethany_a
The Mapmaker's War by Ronlyn Domingue

Did not finish book. Stopped at 31%.
The concept of this book is super cool. Mapmakers, secret utopian societies across the river, a royal kingdom, general rebellion? Sign. Me. Up.

However, I really could not get past two things in this book. 1) everything is written in second person. For real. Everything is 'you saw this, you said this, you thought this'. I like character pieces, and the author really takes the reader into the main character/narrator's head more than any other book I've read. But I just could not deal with the second-person narration. It was terribly clunky and I could not get into a flow of reading. 2) I hated the main character. She just was not likeable in any sense and I couldn't deal with her.

I read the reviews again before I decided to not finish the book. One review mentioned how interesting it was that the author skips all the world building and scenery. And that is what got me. I love world building. Atmospheric & immersive settings with sweeping, lush worlds is what I live for. This book is not that.

If you want to go for something very different and odd, go for it. But this was not for me.