A review by jvanwago
Hitler and Stalin: The Tyrants and the Second World War by Laurence Rees


I have long been interested in learning more about Stalin. I knew in general terms about his ruthlessness and had heard about the Holodomor (the starvation of millions of Ukrainians as a result of Stalin’s policies). Given what I knew, I was curious why I had always heard much more about Hitler’s atrocities than those of Stalin. 

Rees’ book was exactly what I was looking for in this regard. I did not realize how little I knew about Stalin until I read this book. It was highly informative. Both Hitler and Stalin were seriously evil men, megalomaniacal, and utterly devoted to their respective ideologies. Hitler was a despicable racist and Stalin a committed Marxist who had no regard whatsoever for individuals. At mind-boggling scales, they both killed millions of non-combatants in horrific atrocities. 

It was fascinating to read how the shrewd Stalin outplayed both Churchill and Roosevelt and took advantage of their desperate need to be liked. Stalin outlasted Hitler, although Hitler’s legacy of the Holocaust eventually lasted Stalin’s own cruelty. The Holocaust was truly and uniquely evil in the history of humanity. It is rightly a focus of WWII history. That said, Stalin’s reign of terror should be taught more in schools. His alliance of convenience with the USA and UK should not whitewash his evil.

Rees is a great writer and clearly knows his history. His narrative style was engaging and his analysis sharp. Looking forward to reading more by him.