A review by beckymmoe
A Most Unlikely Duke by Sophie Barnes


I really liked this story!

Though parts of it didn't feel totally accurate--smaller details, mostly; overall it was fairly plausible historical fiction--the story was entertaining and the characters extremely likable. And though I shuddered slightly when Gabriella was hanging out with spiders and beetles (spiders! and beetles!) it was really easy to adore her character anyway. And Raphe...ah, Raphe. You've got to love a guy who's been taking care of his younger sisters since the age of eight and somehow managed to educate all three of them himself. (One of the aforementioned details--where on earth would they get books as penniless, parentless kids living in St. Giles? But still, it's hard not to love characters who get excited by libraries and bookstores, so I'll go with it :))

Also very interesting to note that though there's chemistry galore here and all kinds of lusting after each other, actual sexytimes are sparse. I actually didn't miss it--it was nice to focus on the relationship for a change...plus, chemistry and lust and hot and heavy dreams filled in the gap nicely ;)

Raphe's younger sister Amelia is clearly being set up as the heroine of the next book, and I am so there, people! Can't wait!

Rating: 4 stars / B+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.