A review by scribesprite
The Swan Kingdom by Zoë Marriott


It was a good book but I couldn't truly love it. The story line in general was enjoyable. I guess it wasn't what I was expecting. It was expecting adventure, enchantment, disguise, romance, and action. It did have all the other things, just not to the level I'd expected.

The beginning I thought was slow. Alexandra tells us that she is ugly and I think "Alright sounds good it'll give her more depth as a princess." But alas she is just plain and I can't sympathies too much with a just plain princess. I assumed she was supposed to be an ugly duckling among swans but I couldn't see it.

The plot wasn't enticing enough for me. I kept waiting and waiting for Alexandra to get up off her butt and do something. Where was her journey? Where was the adventure? Didn't she want to save her family, her people? The answer is that Alexandra does but doesn't think she can do it. She does do a bit of a journey but it only lasts about one chapter or so. Then it’s just Alexandra trying to make some shirts (I know this sounds strange but there is reasoning behind it).

Other than the fact that Alexandra isn't very assertive for half the book she isn't half bad. She has courage and strength without having much of anyone or anything to hold on to -well maybe Gabriel. I thought the romance was on the better side. Gabriel (good name) is very sweet and kind.

There were redeeming parts in it that I liked. It was good but not a book that I would read again.