A review by 11corvus11
Black Skinhead: Reflections on Blackness and Our Political Future by Brandi Collins-Dexter


I dislike the title as it's a misnomer and thought the author kept the kid gloves on a bit too much. However, it was interesting to read more about Black conservatism and what their reasons are (or what's they claim they are at least.) She discussed a range of people from those likely having a mental health crisis like Kanye, clear grifters like Candace O, and non famous black folks who land on a more conservative place for a variety of reasons.

I would have preferred more exploration of the difference between those who go conservative and those who move further left to get away from Democrats. I also think the kid gloves approach of trying to be a respectful interviewer of the conservatives allowed then to sneak through some stuff that hides bigotry. But, they probably wouldn't have been honest at all if she went too hard at them.

It's def a good book for liberals, especially the more right wing ones, to read to understand how their assumption that they just get the black vote no matter how racist they are is harmful and will backfire again and again. If they can be open to the realization that some of the things some black conservatives say are correct, maybe they can do better.