A review by celli
Fallen Angels by Michael Flynn, Jerry Pournelle, Larry Niven


This is a fun book, with a lot of affection for classic sci-fi fandom. I'm only peripherally a part of that group--I do media fandom, mostly Internet-based, instead of lit sci-fi fandom, with 'zines and cons--but I definitely felt a kinship with these people, and a lot of them I was sure I'd met at one point or another in my life.

I also felt like it did a great job of universe-building. I read this over several days on my commute home, and every time I had to drag myself out of the book to get off the bus I would have a few moments of disorientation trying to get myself back into reality. It probably didn't help that I was reading a book about an ice age in the middle of a snowy Chicago winter. :)