A review by daydreamer45
The Boy with the Painful Tattoo by Josh Lanyon


I rarely feel such kinship with fictional characters as I felt with Kit in this book. I certainly didn't feel that much in the previous two ones although that might change upon a reread.

The Boy with the Painful Tattoo is special for me and not to be easily forgotten for several reasons:

1. kinship with Kit

2. I waited for it for so long (a year and two months, at least, I read All She Wrote last August and have been waiting ever since. There was also some bother with pushed back release date, which... bummer) and it still didn't disappoint. Kit was Kit and J.X. was J.X., both perfectly imperfect and painfully in love.

3. The sexy times. Reading about Kit bottomming works for me - almost as much as it works for him. Scorching hot. I still hope he gets to top sometimes, not on the schedule he was planning but because of his own peace of mind.

4. This book is the first m/m I've read for months, fanfics nothwistanding, so it's responsible for breaking my non-m-m trend. Not that I am diving back into m/m - that would require time, and time is a luxury I do not have :( - but it's nice to come back to the genre and not be disappointed.

5. “All that you have to say has already crossed my mind.”
J.X. replied tersely, but right on cue, “And possibly your answer has already crossed mine.”

What I didn't like.
- The cameo. I don't really remember the significance of the mushroom pie and I don't want to care. It was good to see
SpoilerAdrien and Jake
, regardless. IDK. I don't pretend to make sense.
- how obviously creepy
SpoilerJerry The Creeper
- ugh... I'm too lazy to think of other points. :D

That means... I enjoyed it quite a lot, and I'm going to reread it. It was worth the wait. I might even go back and reread the first two as well.