A review by amibunk
The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy by Julia Quinn


3.5 stars
Despite the fact that Sir Richard Kenworthy is quite the liar (apparently that's his "secret"), I still enjoyed this book. Maybe it's because I think of Sir Richard as a "liar" rather than "manipulator"? Maybe it's because I'm too outraged at what's happening to my government that I don't really stress what's happening in a romance novel? Maybe it's because there was evidence Sir Richard felt really bad about being a giant liar and I'm a softie when it comes to remorse?
Probably it's because Iris is such a kick-butt heroine. Yep. I'm going with Iris, because I loved her more than all the other Smythe-Smith girls, with the possible exception of Honoria.
Why does Iris have my heart? Iris is a reader, she doesn't hide her intelligence, she doesn't follow convention blindly, and she's not afraid to take charge. I'll forgive a lot of crap in a book if there's a woman I respect and admire inside its pages.
Additionally, there wasn't an absurd amount of melodrama, which goes a lot way to gaining my heart. And there's lots of longing and yearning, which I always find delightful in these sorts of novels. Add those to Iris's awesomeness and The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy is a good read for me.