A review by wangl5
How Could She by Lauren Mechling


This was a fun book to read about the complexities of some female friendships. However, there were a lot of characters in this book and many of them were one-dimensional and did not feel fully fleshed out. Additionally, there were parts of the book where the author seemed to have gotten the characters confused, as there were times when the author referred to Rachel when she clearly meant Geraldine, and vice versa at another point. Another moment when the book could have benefited from better editing was this sentence: "Shall we pretend we didn't here that?". I almost tore my hair out when I read this sentence.

Lastly, Matt's position was so confusing. Was he a PhD student? A faculty researcher? A PI? Does he have his own lab? Why does he have so many mentors and advisors he needs to speak to and meet with? How is he making in the upper 5-figures if he were to be a graduate student? Lastly, the worst offense was when Matt was celebrating his manuscript, which was "accepted for publication, pending a peer review, which Matt admitted it was certain to clear". Uh, what? I get celebrating a manuscript submission but pending peer review does no equal accepted for publication.