A review by emilyyjjean
Howls from the Dark Ages: An Anthology of Medieval Horror by P.L. McMillan, Solomon Forse


If you’re interested in horror and medieval stories then this anthology is perfect for you. Medieval settings aren’t really my go to when choosing books to read, but I will pick them up from time to time. I did enjoy my time with this book; the stories were interesting and I was thoroughly creeped out by the end! Below I’m going to dive a little bit deeper with three of my favorite stories from the bunch.

The Crowing / Caleb Stephens
Cateline was taken by the Crows when she was five. Thirteen years later she is set to be sacrificed to the Black Well. Will she be saved or can she save herself?

I loved the outcome of this story. I think it was a great way to end, and I was really interested in reading to find out what would happen to Cateline. I would love to read more of her story!

In Every Drop / Lindsey Ragsdale
People have been disappearing from the village, only to be found later bloody and slashed apart. Something is stalking the village. What lengths will a mother go to to protect her child?

I was invested in learning more about the monster, and what the mother and daughter would do since they didn’t seem to be able to leave the village. I loved the story element of it being too hot during the day to do errands, so the villagers were basically forced to do things during the night when the monster was active.

A Dowry for your Hand / Michelle Tang

Lu Xian and his parents are finally meeting with his potential bride and her parents at his home. They are meeting to talk of their potential marriage, but what if Lu Xian had promised himself to another?

This story creeped me out a bunch. I loved the concept of Lu Xian being betrothed to another, something tragic happening to her, but then there are still consequences of breaking that promise. Almost like Corpse Bride, but with a much more sinister theme.

Thanks to HOWL Society Press and NetGalley for the ARC!