A review by yuu3008
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi


The book contains a plethora of information that needs time to absorb, a comprehensive guide to truly control oneself and enjoy in each and every moment. "Flow" is defined as a zen-state of concentration where you are so involved in a sole activity that nothing else seems to matter. I will probably write a super long review for this book later, but let's point out one point I really learnt from this book: to make activities more enjoyable, you must develop an "autotelic" (Greek origin: self+goal) self" to immerse in every activities and get the intrinsic reward from the joy of doing it.

This is definitely a really important book that I was really lucky to came across and be able to finish it. Although the author is a psychology professor and the book is a condensed result of various preceding researches, he was so kind to make complex concepts intelligible to the average reader, but still includes an enormous amount of literature review for further readings for those who are interested.