A review by esmeem
A Kingdom of Exiles by S.B. Nova


It took me over a month to read this book and to be honest I’m so glad it’s finally over... I saw people compare this to SJM, and I was expecting to enjoy it, but nope. First of all, this book is 600 pages and nothing really happens. The “big thing” is heavily anticipated and then just left to the next book. The main character is super dramatic and annoying, and she just doesn’t make sense. At one point, she compares the pain of being sort of rejected by her crush she barely knew to the death of both her parents?! Yet literally every “hot fae male” is just ready to die in order to protect her? You’re expected to get invested in a romance, but you’re also already told that she’s destined to end up with someone else later in the series? Like... what?! And also, even though she has sort of ended up in her current position by accident it seems like she will (of course) be the special snowflake chosen one. Every time she has an emotional reaction it’s very intense. She’s never scared: she’s terrified, she’s not happy, she’s elated. This book was uselessly long, annoying, and I feel like I wasted time and money reading this while someone could have told me like 3 plot points and it would sort of be like telling me the whole story. I realise this is a sort of bitter review but I was at least expecting the ending to make the rest of the book worth it, but sadly, it really wasn’t.