A review by evandegrift1
The Little Ghost Girl:: Abused Starved and Neglected. a Little Girl Desperate for Someone to Love Her by Maggie Hartley


I can’t even finish this book. It’s so boring. After the first few chapters it’s just a long boring description of all of the bratty things this kid does, with the author patting herself on the back for how well she handles it. 3 foster kids in the house and one is abusing the others both physically, and verbally and she basically does nothing. She doesn’t want to trigger poor Ruth. But what about poor Lily who is the one being smacked around? Then she watches her caregiver do nothing about it.

On top of being boring, can we please get some editing in here? Dialogue is the worst. Instead of putting everything one character says into a paragraph with quotes, you find yourself constantly trying to figure out who is talking. There will be one line of dialogue spoke by Maggie, then a new paragraph with new quotations. Usually that means someone else is speaking. But no. Most of the time it’s the same person. Each and every sentence doesn’t need its own quotation marks and a new paragraph.

Life is too short to read boring books. DNF pile just grew by one.