A review by spencercross
Really Good Logos Explained: Top Design Professionals Critique 500 Logos and Explain What Makes Them Work by Rian Hughes, Margo Chase, Ron Miriello, Alex W. White


Let’s get the full disclosure ickyness out of the way: I’ve got work in Rockport’s recently released Really Good Logos, Explained. But there are plenty of other good reasons to pick up this book in addition to the siren song of seeing Tokyo Farm’s goodness in print. Really Good Logos, Explained isn’t the standard grid-after-grid of logos in isolation that make up most of the logo reference genre. Instead, Rockport has asked design luminaries Margo Chase, Rian Hughes, Ron Miriello and Alex White to review 500-plus logos and explain exactly why, in their opinion, they’re so good. “In their opinion” is the key phrase here, and exactly what makes the title so interesting. Chase, et al. don’t always agree, and you certainly won’t always agree with them, but getting a peek into the thought processes of some very accomplished designers as they chew apart a logo is an all-too-rare treat that shouldn’t be missed. There are a couple of small things to nitpick. The amount of feedback from each author is a little too brief, and the bonus chapter, “Not-So-Good Logos, Explained,” doesn’t feature as productive feedback as I’d hoped. Still, those are tiny niggles and neither is a deal-breaker for this unique book.