A review by elliereads97
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell


4 stars -- okay. so.

this is the gay fanfiction that cath in [b:Fangirl|16068905|Fangirl|Rainbow Rowell|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1355886270s/16068905.jpg|21861351] writes, based on the harry potter equivalent of her universe. (in the author's note, rowell says something about how Simon's story is the amalgamation of the many Chosen One stories before it. that's nice and all, but it's very much a queer, parodic retelling of harry potter.)

this book could have been a dumpster fire. but it's FANTASTIC.

first of all, it's ambitious of rowell to try and replicate a cast of characters as lovable as HP's, while also subverting an array of Chosen One-type-story tropes. but she DOES it. actually, she completely exceeds expectations. i just wanna say here, just because it's my goodreads review and i can say whatever i want, that i love tyrannus basilton grimm-pitch with my entire being.

if you grew up loving harry potter, [b:Carry On|32768522|Carry On (Simon Snow, #1)|Rainbow Rowell|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1481729252s/32768522.jpg|43346673] will make you nostalgic for that wonderful Feeling only harry potter has. but it also creates something entirely new, and, in my opinion, just as magically addictive as HP. (get what i did there? because magic??)

my only major complaint, and reason that it isn't a 5 star, is because of the blatant bisexual erasure. simon is clearly established as liking both girls and guys -- but bisexuality/pansexuality is never shown on page. it isn't even mentioned as an option when simon is contemplating his newfound queer identity. given how some of the comments about queer people and identity in [b:Fangirl|16068905|Fangirl|Rainbow Rowell|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1355886270s/16068905.jpg|21861351] are.....messy, to say the least, i wasn't surprised -- just disappointed. if you're going to write queer characters, especially when the representation in your book isn't Own Voices, there is no excuse: you need to do your research and not further contribute to the already widespread erasure of bisexual identity.