A review by sloatsj
The Beautiful Mrs. Seidenman by Andrzej Szczypiorski


This was an interesting novel, set in Poland during WWII, and dealing with a handful of characters, gentile and Jewish. There was some playing with time that worked in an interesting way, mostly with the 3rd person narrator jumping into the future, telling you who lived or died.
Personally I felt the novel had a lot more potential than was realized - it could have been fleshed out a bit more. It kept its distance from its characters somehow. I never had the feeling they could be real, which is something I in general like to think when reading a novel.
It loses a star for the whore-with-a-heart-of-gold who appears very early. I never fall for that stupid shit.
It lose another one for emphasizing how Mrs Seidenman had blonde hair and blue eyes and that was her salvation, yet slapping a portrait of a woman with brown hair and brown eyes on the cover. Why bother?