A review by pawswithabook
The Birth Yard: A Novel by Mallory Tater


This novel was nothing short of terrifying, with women being reduced to reproductive machines, and men being controlled by a small cult dictatorship.

Close to nature with vividly descriptive settings, sights and smells...this book sparks the senses and invokes fear, sadness and anger.

You can’t help but compare it to the Handmaids tale with the same clear themes running through the novel, and whilst it is not as original as Attwood’s dystopian world and therefore doesn’t quite give the same big impact, the real life and real time cult aspect does make Tater’s concept all the more frightening.

My only criticism would be that the final section felt rushed to a conclusion, and didn’t maintain the same level of tension or the dark, sinister tone Tater took the time to build in the first two parts of the novel.

A brilliant debut novel, and I am excited to see what Tater writes next!!!!