A review by brettp
The Language God Talks: On Science and Religion by Herman Wouk


Finished "The Language God Talks: On Science and Religion" by Herman Wouk. To quote from the book: "You are as ignorant of religion as I am of calculus." I wouldn't say I'm exceedingly well versed in either. I think I know more about religion than I do about calculus. It's funny, though, because every time the story edged toward religion, specifically Judaism, I felt like I did not identify with it. When the author wrote about himself, I really did not identify with him. But when the author wrote about Richard Feynman or about the science or calculus, I was hooked and wanted more. The same was true when he told stories about others that he encountered along the way. Then it would veer back to him and his other writings, and I just wanted to skip ahead. Your mileage may vary, of course.