A review by nottusacym
The Secret Side of Empty by Maria E. Andreu


Fresh, new perspective on life that I've not seen before in a story.

M.T. (Who has a full name no one can pronounce) is an 17 year old illegal immigrant. No one knows this outside of her family, not even her best friend Chelsea, who she's been friends with since kindergarten.

She has an abusive father, and a mother who always bows down to him. She wants a better life for herself and her little brother Jose; she despises her parents for making her illegal.

She's been told by her Father Time and time again that she can't go to college or get a decent job because of her immigration status, and she feels confined by her situation. If that's not enough, her parents keep saying they're going to move back to Argentina, but America is the only home she's ever known.

Her life finally seems to get a little better when she meets Nate, an all-American boy she meets courtesy of Chelsea's über-annoying cousin. She begins to really like him and their relationship blossoms.

Eventually, the dreariness of her situation gets to her and she gets sick of her life as a whole. She lashes out towards her friends while her father is lashing out at her even more than usual.

She's fighting an uphill battle and she doesn't know how to win.

You'll see what happens. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.