A review by askoda
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson


It’s hard to put into words the feeling I have after reading Caste. Wilkerson starts this jaw dropping novel with veiled (and rightful) rage. She then transcends into an academic tone retelling the tales of one instance after another revealing why the caste system in America is so strong. Wilkerson doesn’t stop there, she reminds her audience that caste is a very real phenomenon in other countries often comparing the American system to that of India’s as well as the system the Nazi regime created.

This book was difficult to chew. Not because of overtly academic language, nor because of her persistent retelling of true and gut wrenching stories. It was difficult because she told the truths of herself and others so eloquently. There were so many times that I had to put the book down and allow myself to digest the realities she spoke of.

To my surprise, Wilkerson ended her novel filled with hope. She outlined the simple steps of eradicating caste. Wilkerson reminds her readers that while politicians do everything they can to perpetuate the system, the power is in everyday people. She reminds her readers that the power is within them to use this new (and not new) knowledge of the past and present to move forward and eradicate caste.

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