A review by beautifully_broken
The Ghost Files by Apryl Baker


Let me start by saying I love this book, I really do but every time I read it the mistakes jump out and get on my ever loving nerves.

1. How many times can Mattie say I'm fearless in the same sentence as I'm terrified or scared seriously its okay to have fears but its annoying to claim you don't as you whine about being afraid.
2. Again with the I don't while I do writing. Jesus Mattie says I don't cry over and over again while doing just that. I don't care that she cries and if she was pepping herself up with no need to cry speeches or this is so stupid to cry over but to just blatantly state I don't cry and I never cry its redundant and annoying when you did the same damn thing 5 pages ago.
3. This is seriously my biggest issue, without it the book is easily a 4-4.5 stars but the editing. Oh my god the editing. The more times I read it the less I believe it was ever edited. There dozens of missing words which makes reading smoothly at times difficult but the biggest error is the time line. At one point toward the end of the book Mattie states that a boarding house closed its doors 15 years ago, not 2 pages later she states she knows the layout because she lived there for a short time. Um unless Mattie is no less than 22 years old (newsflash she's 16 years old) this is completely impossible. Seriously this is a pivotal part in the book how did they miss this. How on earth did any of the people who are involved with the publishing of this book miss any of the glaring issues but a giant plot issue. How? just How?

Again I admit I love the book and will continue to torture myself whenever I wish to read it. It's dark and twisty and unlike any other horror book I have read, I just wish it was executed as well as the story line deserved.