A review by rhymeswithjoey
How to Become a Straight-A Student by Cal Newport


Is it possible to be in love with a book? In preparation for my return to school, I decided I could earn a lot better grades and study more efficiently. This book had been recommended on a blog I frequent, and I was not disappointed. All the study tips I knew were wrong! This book opened my eyes to the more efficient way of studying and having control of your education and grades. I want to give this book to every high school and college student, as they can be applied in both environments. Great advice on time management, how to study (REALLY study) effectively to know the material and get that coveted 4.0. I have pages and pages of notes from this book I will be applying when I start taking classes.

Update: Finished my first term using these techniques and earned straight As!

Update 2: Finished two more terms using these techniques and have continued to earn all As (and one B in a rigorous and demanding science course, if I'm honest)