A review by moonlitmarauder
The Absinthe Underground by Jamie Pacton


This story was fine! The conflict is technically high stakes, but I never truly felt the urgency. The world-building didn't go very deep, it felt like the author probably did have a whole schematic of what Fae looks like, and then just forgot to share it with the reader. You have to just accept whatever is given to you at face value. That wouldn't have been too much of a letdown for me, except I already had a hard time with my suspension of disbelief due to the improbable timeframe given to our MCs for a heist. I can't get past having the MCs learn that Fae is real and within 72 hours have to be in possession of the queen's crown jewels. The rush wasn't necessary and the story would have been far more compelling if it had been spread out to a reasonable timeline. Sybil is supposed to be this great thief, but it's all said not shown, and she and Esme are terrible at being quiet, let alone going unnoticed.
I enjoyed the friends to lovers and their realistic concerns with crossing boundaries. The vibe of the setting was very cool and I would have enjoyed a deeper dive into the lore and ambiance.