A review by jsjammersmith
Strong of Body, Brave and Noble: Chivalry and Society in Medieval France by Constance Brittain Bouchard


I'm learning more and more than what I know about the Medieval Period of Europe is in fact either outdated information or else an overly simplistic understanding of a really frustratingly nuanced topic. Though in fact, I find that tends to be the case more as I age with almost all the history I've been taught.

Constance Bouchard's book was a balanced, and well-researched look at the current body of knowledge of Medieval history and distilled down into a concise assessment. Which is all a way of saying this book was often like digesting a hollandaise: there were just so many ideas packed into a really delicious read. Bouchard demonstrated her ability as a writer, as a researcher, as a historian, and simply an enthusiast for the period. By the end of this book, my knowledge of knights, castles, troubadour poetry, monks, chivalry, etc. were all altered to the point I realize that I have so much to learn about this time and period and rather than be deflated Bouchard left me feeling inspired. Reading this book often feels like jumping into a new wealth of ideas and facts and stories and I can't wait to start.

Strong of Body Brave and Noble feels like a fresh start to a topic I only thought I knew a great deal about, and I loved every page.