A review by christiana
This Might Get Awkward by Kara McDowell


We love to see a "While You Were Sleeping" retelling, especially with social anxiety representation, but this one was more circus-y than the source material. I'm not mad about it exactly, but there was enough humor in this one that if we were going to go full tilt, just go full tilt. This was like, trying to teeter on the side of "maybe this could happen" and that kind of took me out of the narrative, if that makes sense? Regardless, the booktalk is a super easy and straight forward one and there's enough fun that I would still recommend it. I am always on "this doesn't sound like a real teen alert" which I think about a teen saying "these stone walls are the building blocks of the happiest memories of my childhood". Building blocks? All minor quibbles, but things that could have taken it from good to great, I think.