A review by joabroda
Shadow of a Dark Queen: Book One of the Serpentwar Saga by Peter Joyce, Raymond E. Feist

adventurous dark fast-paced


The next book/series in Feists Rift War Universe and I have to say his writing and storytelling just keep getting better. I am reading Feist's entire library with a fantasy buddy and it is great to see an author grow and tighten up his style. 

The main protagonists, Roo and Erik, get into a heap of trouble and end up prisoners of the kingdom, accused of murder. However, the prison camp appears to be more a training base then a prison and whatever the future holds does not look good.  There is a war brewing on the other side of the known world,  There are strange coming and goings in the camp, and the prisoners are kept in the dark, as to what is in their future. 

As I said above, Feist's writing has improved, and the story moved quickly and kept me entertained.  It appears  that in the coming books, in this series, there will be some male/female relationships for Feist to tackle. I hope he learned a few things from Jenny Wurts|when he co-wrote with her.  His previous solo attempts at these types of relationship did not cut it for me. Moving on to book 2 to see what happens with that and the folks caught up in brewing troubles.