A review by ria_mhrj
Stealing from Mr. Rich by Anna Hackett


I'm morally opposed to billionaire heroes these days (no one needs to be a billionaire, and giving to charity is often more about tax evasion than aid, BUT I DIGRESS) buuuut I'm also morally opposed to not reading whatever Anna Hackett writes, so here we are. And as billionaires go, Zane was pretty nice, I liked him as a hero and I bought into his feelings for Monroe. Monroe was great, her career I particularly enjoyed reading about, and if anyone deserved a happy ending with someone super rich, it was her after all the rubbish she had to put up with in her life. Though this book hasn't reinvented the wheel, I had a lot of fun reading it and I look forward to the rest of the trilogy, even if it delays us getting Vander's book!