A review by agrutle
The Moment Before by Suzy Vitello


I was given this book as an ARC for an honest review.

This book had me hooked by the end of the first chapter. I felt so bad for Brady. She was mourning her sister and her family felt like it was falling apart. Her mom was working all the time and her dad was drinking to numb the pain. What is she supposed to do? It's hard enough that she's never going to see her sister again but now she's got to act like she's getting better when in reality it feels like shes getting worse. She skips class and doesn't care about her grades. She just wants it to be over. She wants things the way they were before her sister died.

Then there is Connor Christopher, the boy that caused the death. He was supposed to catch her, he was her cheer partner wasn't he? It was his fault Sabine wasn't there anymore, he got baked and then he didn't catch her. Maybe though there is more to the story. Maybe Sabine did something she wasn't supposed to do, but asking questions like this about Sabine would seem like Brady was blaming her sister for her own death. She couldn't do that right? The answers she gets may not be what she was expecting.

There was so much going on with Sabine that if I tried to tell you all about it right now I'd ruin the story for you. I don't want to do that but believe me you want to know. I couldn't stop reading this book. It was so good. I loved watching Brady navigate her life without her big sister physically there. What if Connor isn't the bad guy?