A review by janaybrazier
My Heart Goes Bang by Keris Stainton


Let's start with the book cover. I love the colour. It just screams summertime to me.

It was this beautiful orange that caught my eye when I first came across it online.

I also love the font used for the title. I'm also not usually a fan of covers that use photographs but I think it works with this one. I know it's not all about the cover but it's also nice to appreciate it when a book has a cover as lovely as this one.

The storyline was a really interesting one for me. I liked the idea of reading a story about a group of characters at university. I have a university degree but I studied from home with the Open University, so I didn't get the full experience the way these girls did.

I think this is a fun story, great for university students to read.

Because this book is set at university, it does come with a small-print message on the back cover saying 'for older readers'. I definitely agree with this and I think anyone of college/university age is the best audience for this. They are the ones who are going to relate to the experiences and the plot the most.

There are five female characters that this book focuses on: Ella, Issey, Liane, Lou, Paige. It was a lot of people to keep track of and I did find myself becoming a bit confused as to who was who at times. I had to flick back through the book to remind myself of who was having which problem. The only one I really remembered was Ella had a brother.

I think I remembered more about Ella and connected with her the most because she was the character who was most like me.

My favourite characters were Ella, because of the above, Nick and Ella's brother, Dylan. My favourite scene (mild spoiler) in the whole book was when Dylan turned up, just because of how the other girls reacted to him.

I loved the flow of this story and the tempo at which everything occurred. I really liked how the chapters were split up further, into months, to make the time frame clearer.

Keris Stainton has such an addictive writing style.

I've only read two books by her but both times I have devoured the whole thing very quickly. The writing just has a great feeling about it, with a good pace that makes you just keep reading and reading. It's very hard to put down.

This was a pretty fun read, with so much going on, and a lot of themes were covered.

If you are starting university this autumn, or if you're already there, then I think you'll enjoy this book.

Or if you are looking for a book that focuses on friendship, relationships, romance, LGBTQ+, family, financial problems, education... Like I said, there are a lot of themes that are appealing to a lot of people so I definitely recommend this book.