A review by spencer0o7
Memphis by Tara M. Stringfellow


4,5 stars rounded up to 5

This is really the kind of book that sticks with you. I’m kind of shocked how much I loved this. I first discovered this book in a bookstore (duh) I go to often but it didn’t look appealing AT ALL so I didn’t get it. I came back later right before my trip to NY n i rlly needed a book so I decided to take a chance on this book. I’m literally so happy I did cause I genuinely love love love this book. I thought abt how to structure this review so I decided to make a lil pros and cons list. Okay so the cons aren’t really that bad honestly. My biggest issue is probably just the pages like 200-230. I remember thinking around 200 like omg this book is so good but I think they should just end it soon. And then Jax came to Memphis and the book just completely went down hill. Like it’s kind of amazing how much a book could go down hill in just the ending. It just completely cluttered it and sorry but the whole thing with August sleeping with Bird was so fucking weird and I despised it. Just that whole part was odd like they were building up this whole book about sisterhood and family and how most men suck (except Myron I love that man so much) and then THEY show up and August fucks Bird like hello??? Please gtfo