A review by sparklingreader
A Temptation of Angels by Michelle Zink


I was really looking forward to reading this...unfortunately, for me, the story didn't live up to the hype. While the writing is well done, flows nicely and has intriguing aspects, there were also parts where I had to sit back and say "huh?"

What I liked:
The setting - Victorian London - with steampunk aspects. Intriguing and fun.
The premise - interesting and different - especially with the steampunk aspects thrown in.

What I didn't like:
* The characters. They were just to stereotypical. You had the heroine who, at times, was too over the top damsel in distress. The older brother bad boy, Darius - grumpy, sarcastic. The younger brother, good guy - just a little too good. Come on, griff, at least get a little angry. The really bad boy, Raum - dark, nasty past that leaves him broken. Sweet heroine, Helen, who's beautiful and independent, except when she's not - which happens a lot.
* The plot - moved kind of slow until the end.
* Lack of information - other than a couple of "Well, as you know..." scenes, we really don't get much information about the parties involved in the epic war. (more below in the spoiler)

Spoiler Although the Dictata is supposedly a powerful group who help the Keepers, they do almost nothing to stop the slaughter. They don't even try to hide the families. I certainly wouldn't want to be a Keeper under their protection. Also, even though they know the Demon who wants to devastate the world and all humanity, they make excuses rather than go after him. Yes, the premise of the book is for the heroine and hero(s) to take care of everything, but it just didn't ring true for me.

I also had problems with the love triangle. Both Helen & Griffin fall for each other almost immediately. A little more development would have been preferred. Plus I didn't like the attraction to Raum - I'm sorry, but the guy was responsible for the death of her parents and the deaths of all the other Keepers and she's just going to let that all pass and go for him? 'Fraid I'd have felt more like Darius in that case.

Overall - it wasn't a bad story, but did have some parts that I just didn't care for. Still, it is YA steampunk set in Victorian London, so it is unique and different. I'd recommend it for girls who enjoy paranormal stories with heroines who aren't necessarily kick-ass and who fall for guys they shouldn't.