A review by anbananova
Shadows in Death by J.D. Robb


absolutely loved this book, i missed more personal cases in last x books and this one was perfect. also it was interesting how they knew the killer from the beginning and were working him from the start. 

ooohhh roarle’s past. loved roarke’s pov and how everybody was ready to help with case bc it was family. 


“What the hell is celadon? It sounds contagious.”
“It’s green—in this case a gray-green. As is this jacket.” He pulled one out. “With its indigo buttons. Take off that shirt.”
“I don’t have time for closet sex, pal.”

“The Marriage Rules clearly require me to worry about you when applicable.”

“Fucking fuck’s going the fuck down! Pardon my fucking French, Commander.”

“Jesus, Dallas, just pull out some wife shit.”
“What wife shit?”
“How you know he’s smarter and stronger, and whatever other crap you need to toss in, but how you’re worried, how worrying messes you up. Shit like that, so he does it because he’s worried, and guilty, because you’re worried. Just wife shit.”
It fascinated. “How do you know wife shit?”

“So you open the damn gates and stand there like some scarecrow waiting for the crows to shit on your shoulders and peck your eyes out.”

“Jesus, that’s illegal!”
“Arrest me,” he suggested. “But at this moment, I need a drink. We both need a drink.”

“A meal well presented can be a comfort. I thought we all could use some.”
“If there’s spinach under here, I’m not going to feel the comfort.”

“Give me the fecking thing before you bollocks it.”
“In about three seconds,” she muttered, “I’m going to bollocks you.”

“keep your mouth off my knuckles on the job, or my knuckles are going to crack you in that mouth.”
“I adore you.”
“Shut up,” she muttered, “just shut up about it.”

“Watch your bony six anyway. You can always yank the stick out of your ass for an extra weapon.”

“You want something?”
He butted her again, added a rub.
“You know, there are going to be times on the job when I encounter another cat. If you recall, I was on the job when I found you.”

“Eve felt the shuttle dive, simply closed her eyes. Nothing made sense about being thousands of feet over an ocean.”

“She ignored the cows when they crossed the next field—what choice did she have? But she kept an eye on them, just in case.»