A review by cakereads
A Man Lay Dead by Ngaio Marsh


And I continue on my quest to read all the Golden Age Detective Fictions!

Writing-wise, I enjoy Marsh's writing over Allingham's. Her style is cleaner, and more evocative. Her characters are rendered more personably than Allingham's too. (I compare her to Allingham because I read [b:The Crime at Black Dudley|383222|The Crime at Black Dudley (Albert Campion Mystery #1)|Margery Allingham|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1388361149s/383222.jpg|1806288] before this.)

Mystery-wise, I found it pretty meh. Again, with the Russian plot - it seems to be a trope used a lot in the Golden Age books.

Anyway - on to the next mystery. I'm still looking for a series to replace the brilliance of Miss Marple! (I've read Patricia Wentworth's [b:Grey Mask|1644404|Grey Mask (Miss Silver, #1)|Patricia Wentworth|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1265608132s/1644404.jpg|2186317] and the rest of the Miss Silver series, but that series gets so formulaic after a while.)