A review by celebrin
Watch Your Back by Karen Rose


I can't review this book without putting personal stuff about me in it. Sorry.

My mom died two months ago. I didn't expect the grief to be the way it has been. I didn't expect that I wouldn't be able to read--one of the things that has always helped me in the past. At first I couldn't focus on a book and then I would start a new book and want to talk about it with mom and have to put it down. This is the first book I have finished since mom died. I'm not quite sure why. Karen Rose is an author I like, but not one I'd say I love.

I picked up the book at random and started it. I have read Ms. Rose's other books so the characters were familiar to me. They'd been in other books and I got into the story. When I tried to put it down, I was wondering what was happening. Before I knew it I was turning off the TV and immersing myself in the story. I just finished it. I feel more myself than I have in over two months. I recommend this book to anyone who likes romantic suspense--but with a caveat. If this is the first Karen Rose book you have--put it down. Go to the library and get some of her earlier books so you really know these characters.