A review by cece_rants_raves_reviews
Dragon Marked by Jaymin Eve


Imagine a world where the supernatural are forced to unite and govern with representatives ...
Yup thats the one Jessa might end up destroying

Jessa is an alpha wolf who never fit so obviously prefers a group of 4 dare-devil brothers each born with a different power.

The Compass brothers !! Braxton dragon shifter&possible-love-interest#1, Tyson magic user, Jacob fey, and Maximusvampire&possible-love-interest#2

TBH, I read Dragon Marked cuz she also wrote Trickery of the Gods & I hoped she would dazzle me again with interesting love interests, unique world-building, and a sassy heroine.
I was not disappointed.

With these powerful arrogant males, Jessa often feels the need to prove her dominance and kick ass. Because consequences are just something for Tomorrow-Jessa to figure out!
“Why is it that no one shows my wolf her due respect?” He smirked. “Well it might be a dog eat dog world, but... a dragon eats everyone.”

What I loved most about Jess was: She didn't take orders from anyone but she also isn't a complete moron and knew when to ask for help. She NEVER blindly follows orders, mah gurl

So all these different species all unite in their hatred to stop a (evil?) dragon lord from rising again. But we don't really get the whole backstory of the dragon lord. Like what the fuck happened the first time he was in power ?? But apparently he schemes and selects people to bear a 'dragon mark'

The Four are a group of brothers that hunt down the marked but again ..... not a lot is known about their group ... except they aren't cute like the Compasses !! Are yall seeing a kinda common theme of the bad guys having no back story smh
“ They wore identical cold, hard expressions. Could their parents even tell them apart? No wonder they were known as the Four, there seemed to be no individuality about them at all.
And they were mutha-effing-scary.”

And the dragon mark? A mystery for our characters to unravel. Little is known except they are hunted down and thrown into prison (Compass's future job.) Oh and Jessa is one of those marked whoop whoop

Now the humorrrr in this book, just bloody brilliant. One of my favorite scenes was when Four tried to sway everyone the scene was just so fucking funny and her POV made it even better
“Shit, he even had me convinced that the dragon marked were going to take over the world, and I was one of them”


Why is it that most SiNgLe HeRoInE "OH SO TRAGIC" *eye roll* fLaW ~ is the same bodytype too skinny and don't eat enough *head shake* BUT NOT THIS CHICK!
“For the first time since we entered the prison, I was depressed. Braxton grinned as he sat down right next to me. “All that we’ve gone through in the last few days and finally you’re upset because of shitty food”

My two major complaints:
One: All the sudden Mom and Sister come to Jessa's world when TBH i was interested in her life without them.. plus sister was annoying AF and kept asking questions. Back to the action please!!

Second was the ever cliche twist on the Four:
Spoiler"I couldn’t understand how they didn’t see this, that in their quest to prevent evil they had become evil.”

Riiight. I guess after so many of these bad "good" guys, I just wanted a general bad guy to fight and overcome. But I also wanted some background info on the bad guys, guess I'm needy like that

Overall a super entertaining world, I am definitely reading the rest of this. I pray to the Book Gods that it doesn't turn into a complete love triangle. On to book 2!