A review by elementarymydear
Can't Spell Treason Without Tea by Rebecca Thorne


This book delivers exactly what it says on the tin. Sapphic romance? Check! Cosy vibes? Check! Adventures with dragons? Check!

I loved the two main characters, Reyna and Kianthe. They were both great characters in their own right, but also complemented each other and were a great couple to have a centre of the story. It was also nice to have a romantic story where they’re already together at the start.


There was also a really fun fantasy adventure, and while it wasn’t the focal point of the story, it was a nice addition to give the story some drive and a nice conclusion.

An absolute gold star goes to the audiobook narrator, Jessica Threet. The commitment to this audiobook was honestly unmatched, she acted the absolute heck out of it, and really elevated the whole story.

I received a free copy for an honest review.