A review by michellehenriereads
Moorewood Family Rules by HelenKay Dimon


I received an ARC from HarperCollins and NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion.

Genre: Romance, Crime Romance (is that a thing?), RomCom, Women's Fiction
Spice Level: Medium (closed door + innuendo)
Language: Fairly low (Some cursing but not on every page)
Representation: Secondary gay character

This is my first book by HelenKay Dimon—honestly, the cover caught me with its romcom vibes.

One word review: HILARIOUS!

Seriously, this one had me laughing aloud several times. The banter between Jillian and Beck is awesome. Sometimes I can't believe that characters click so quickly, but it works in this book. Probably because of the stressful situation. I also loved that Beck isn't described as this traditionally handsome man than belongs on the cover of GQ (I don't even know if that's a current magazine, but hopefully, you get the gist).

I was a little concerned if I'd feel any empathy for the characters because of their conning ways. (Skip this list if you want to go in blind, but it doesn't hold any spoilers.) Warning: morally gray characters on the loose. But can you guess which are morally gray?

Here's my rundown:
Aunt Patricia: Love her & string cheese
Jay: Hate him on a deep soul level
Astrid: Hate her even more than Jay along with her diamond bracelet
Anika: Grew on me—a bit like mold
Tenn: Loved his nerdiness
Kelby: Adored his honesty amongst the wreck
Jillian: Empathized with her and ended up loving her
Beck: Yes! More characters like this please
Gregory: Heebiejeebies
Emma: I liked her, and she kept getting better
Harry: The poor darling
Bev: Shudder
Izzy: Completely beige

Now just because I said I hated some characters, doesn't mean I didn't love them in the story context. They were deliciously bad. Every single character does exactly what they need to do to make the story work.

I kept wondering why Jillian felt so much remorse over one of her actions. To me, her past "action" made sense to me. Now I'm wondering if I'm a morally gray person.

This book was so much fun. A silly tragedy. A farce. A romance. A book about relationships.

I highly recommend this book.

Happy reading!