A review by danielle_readsbooks
Chesapeake Blue by Nora Roberts


3.5 stars

hmmm. i feel conflicted giving this book 3-3.5 stars. i LOVE the Quinn's, i love the family, the time they spend together. and i was so excited to slip back into the world and watch Seth fall in love.

But i walked away feeling 'bleh' about the book and the romance. I felt like the romance happened waaay too quickly and both MC saying they were 'in love' happened too fast. (which dont get me wrong i knew that would happen, but i felt like it wasn't believable like Cam/ Anna or Ethan/ Grace) what really didn't work for me was the whole situation with Gloria, Seth kept putting it off and i was so nervous about what would happen with her that i couldn't enjoy the family time. also the ending, i wanted more family time after the conclusion, but we didn't get any of that.

i wont say this tarnished the series for me, but after two strong books in the beginning, the last two books fell flat for me.