A review by finocchio
Surrender, New York by Caleb Carr


Really a 3.14159 rating.
Good story and rich characters...however, I was ready for what turned out to be the rush hour of tying up all the loose ends.
I can handle profanity better than anyone I know, having worked in juvenile lock-up and being an ex-hippie. However, the method of applying profanity tended to create one monolithic personality type out of three dynamically different main characters. I won't even mention the fact that the main characters smoked like chimneys and it was pointed out oh way too often.
The use of graduate students to help shed light on a chiaroscuro (ongoing) criminal case bordered on unethical behavior for a professor --especially when considering the enormous benefit bestowed upon the selected 5 students (they got to stop their coursework and didn't have to take an exam and were promised recommendations -- no strings attached except that the chosen 5 had to agree to take up the challenge unanimously and in secret). That just is not ethical or fair.
Another bone of contention: If someone's blind (and I've had a blind lover), you can tell. This is rather black and white. Yet the PhD/MD main character who is a hyper-observant professional profiler couldn't tell someone was faking it even though he romanced her and was intimate with her?
All that being said, I was still engaged to the bitter end and am looking for another chance to watch the dynamic duo in action. Go figure...Profile me as masochist.