A review by sassime713
Claiming Felicity by Susan Stoker


This one was a star stepped back; Ryder was too over the top cocky and a borderline Alphahole. The meeting of the brothers was stiff and he’s better than thou routine because he had “seen more evil than all their lives combined” was annoying. I also didn’t really like how Felicity’s character did a complete 180 and became super meek & helpless — I know it was the fear of Joseph catching up but it still felt disingenuous based on how badass she was in the prior books. And Ryder “seeing through it” then acting like his brothers and her other friends were stupid for not seeing it left a bad taste in my mouth.

But I liked that Felicity got her bonus Anderson brother, I liked that they finally found out what happened to make Rose snap, and the plot was suspenseful in a good anticipatory way.