A review by whatjennareads
Execution by Lucia Franco


Well…that ending was brutal!

I was not a fan of Kova or Ria after book one. I highly disliked both of their attitudes, decisions, and thought processes. Honestly, I still kind of felt that way half way through this book…

However, as the book went on I could kind of see Kova in a new light. He started to open up, his softer side came out and he wasn’t as repulsive as I first thought him to be.

Ria, this girl has some major issues. I have to remind myself she’s 17 and on her own without the best parental guidance. The Motrin and B12, lack of eating and overall care for her health grated on my nerves so bad! I wanted to smack her so much!! The ending of the book was so sad and emotional for her. I really wanted to hug her but also give her a “wake up” talk as well.

The last 25% was the best part of the entire series thus far. I kind of predicted the multiple cliffhangers from snippets that came earlier. I am hoping this really wakes Ria up and she starts standing up for herself and having a backbone. Kova, though I think I know what his explanation will be still has a lot of redeeming he needs to do. I am definitely invested in the series now!