A review by clawfoot
Blackdog by K.V. Johansen


I tend to read a lot of epic fantasy, and I do have to wade through a lot of chaff to find the wheat. This book was recommended to me because it was a rarity: an epic fantasy that was a stand-alone story, and not "part one of eight." Don't get me wrong: I love multi-volume series, but it's really refreshing to read a book that's just a self-contained story.

The world is rich and interesting, and the characters consistently engaging, and the plot although simple (man gains great power; challenges gods) nonetheless has some complex ramifications. The story is political, spiritual, and personal all at once, and the characters are both divinely-inspired and larger-than-life and at the same time intensely real and very human.

I enjoyed this immensely, and will certainly check out more of K.V. Johansen's books.